Do you know why many people fail in life? Do you know why many live below expectation and some settle for the little? Well, it may not be their destiny to be that way. It may not even be the situation of the country neither their family background. Many fail in life because they stopped believing in themselves. They stopped believing in the potentials they carry and as a result, they allow life to take charge of them rather than them taking charge of their own lives. No man is born a success, we are all, in one way or the other, made into what we are today. No man is born a success but we all carry the seed of success inside of us. We are all built with potentials; we are all built with serveral abilities, several capacities and several strength. So, you've got to look right inside of you and find the courage to do that which seems impossible to you because you've got what it takes to do it. I know you have weaknesses but, hey, don't look at that at all. The power on the in...