Leadership is one of the toughest tasks that you could ever engage in. Leadership involves all activities that has to do with managing and channelling resources in an effective and efficient way, towards fulfilling a vision or goal.
Leadership could be so demanding, yet, it could also be fun. It all depends on whether you have the necessary skills or not. 

Here are some of the things you should [always] do as a leader:
1. Have a specific vision.
Even the Holy Bible says “Where there is no vision, the people perish.” It means a leader without vision will only take the followers to nowhere. A leader without vision is like a camera without lens or a television without screen. If you want to be a successful leader, you must have a clearly stated vision for the people you are leading.

2. Build strong relationship.
Of what need is a leader without follower? He is just as good as a vehicle without tyres, he can't move forward.
If you would be a successful leader, you must invest much of your time in building relationships. Get to know your team and your colleagues. Get to know who sent you and those you are sent to. Building strong relationships is essential for any leader who wants to succeed.

3. Serve others.
To some, leadership is being in a top position and having people under you who you give order to. To some, leadership is simply FEELING LIKE A BOSS. Whichever you think, you're right. However, for you to be a successful leader, you must be committed to serving others. You must humble yourself enough to serve your followers because the way up is down.

4. Stay committed to your goals.
Leadership is one of the few things you can't do on a part-time basis. Leadership does not allow you to be active today and dormant tomorrow. You can't be rugged today and then turn out a coward tomorrow. Whether the dream is big or small, you must commit yourself to seeing it achieved. Stay on course. 

5. Constantly improve.
What actually makes you a successful leader is your ability to replicate value in the life of your followers. And, you know, you can't give what you don't have therefore you must get yourself loaded with value so you can have enough to give to those you're leading. Don't forget, your followers can only grow to the level at which you are able to feed them, for “a servant is not greater than his master” said Jesus. Give all it takes to constantly improve yourself. Read books, attend seminars and conferences, seek counsel from those who has gone ahead of you... Just do something to make you better than you were.

See you at the top...



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